
Creating LUNs and mapping igroups ( 7 Mode & C - mode )

Setting up LUNs and igroups using individual commands -  ( 7 Mode ) Instead of using LUN setup, you can use individual commands to create LUNs, create igroups, and map the LUNs to the appropriate igroups. Before you begin The LUN type must be specified. About this task After the LUN is created, you cannot modify the LUN host operating system type. Note: You can grow a LUN to approximately 10 times its original size. For example, if you create a 10 GB LUN, you can grow that LUN to approximately 100 GB. However, you cannot exceed 16 TB, which is the approximate maximum size of a LUN. Steps Create a space-reserved LUN by entering the following command on the storage system command line: lun create -s size -t ostype   lun_path -s   size indicates the size of the LUN to be created, in bytes by default. -t   ostype indicates the LUN type. The LUN type refers to the operating system type, which determines the geometry used to store data on the LUN. lu

Two types of Lun

Two types of Lun 1.Boot Lun (C drive) 2.Application Lun (D & E drives ) Boot lun : The server that don't have hard disk in the machine. For installing operating system, disk will provide from storage side. Lun means in windows we calling D,E,F drive, in In unix Slide, mount point...etc. we need to do some configure in HBA , it may be through FC or ISCSI  to communicate server and storage. when using FC Protocol we need to zone the server wwpn and storage wwpn for basic level. when using Iscsi protocol we need to give storage Ip address in the server HBA  and Server Mac-Address to storage. After restarted the server , The Bios will get Lun from the storage. This is the storage part, beyond this process server team will take care. Application Lun : Application lun is nothing like in windows we saying D drive and E drive, that is called LUN.

iSCSI Lun Creation for Windows Host --- 7 -Mode

iSCSI Lun Creation for Windows Host LUN: Logical Unit Number  In Netapp there is two ways of allocating lun to server 1. Fibre Chanel = through zoning 2. iSCSI = Through software initiator Fibre Chanel: For allocating LUN from filler to server, we must do zoning with WWPN (world wide port number ). WWPN is nothing that "In windows for ethernet we called MAC Address" like here we call WWPN. WWPN is hardware port number of HBA(Host Bus Adapter) HBA is devices which help to connects the FC Cable to server and filer. iSCSI For allocating LUN from filler to server, we need to install initiator 2.x software. In that software, we find IQN (iSCSI Qualified Name) By using Iqn, we can find the Lun on the Host. controller name : pri controller IP : Aggregate name: aggr1 Vol name: vol1 Lun name: /vol/vol1/newlun igroup name: igroup_name pri> aggr create aggr1 20 pri> aggr status pri> vol create vol1 aggr1 10g pri> vol sta

NetApp SAN Interview Questions

SAN Interview Questions 1.  What is LUN? Ans:  lun is logical unit of number, which represent the physical unit of storage disk It is block level access Supporting operating system like Windows, Solaris, Linux, aix, and more Supporting protocols is FC and ISCSI 2. What kind of configuration FC or ISCSI?  Ans:   Fc configuration (multi path) 3. What kind of Configuration is this?  Ans:  ISCSI (single filer) 4. What distinguishes FCP from iSCSI in a SAN environment? Ans:  FC ISCSI Block level access transfer through Fc switch fast and  flexible Block level access Ethernet slower than Fc 5. Give an example of an attribute that needs to specified when creating a LUN Ans:   lun size, volume or qtree name, igroup name, operating system type 6. Name three ways to create a LUN Ans:  lun create in cmd Lun setup in cmd Filer view Snap drive in host side 7. TO DISPLAY LUN: Ans:  lun show [path] [/vol/vol_name/lun_name] 8. TO CHECK ALL LUN/IGROUP/FCP SE

Netapp Cluster mode commands cheat sheet

Netapp Cluster mode commands cheat sheet Netapp Cluster mode commands cheat sheet set -privilege advanced (Enter into privilege mode) set -privilege diagnostic (Enter into diagnostic mode) set -privilege admin (Enter into admin mode) system timeout modify 30 (Sets system timeout to 30 minutes) system node run – node local sysconfig -a (Run sysconfig on the local node) The symbol ! means other than in clustered ontap i.e. storage aggregate show -state !online (show all aggregates that are not online) node run -node -command sysstat -c 10 -x 3 (Running the sysstat performance tool with cluster mode) system node image show (Show the running Data Ontap versions and which is the default boot) dashboard performance show (Shows a summary of cluster performance including interconnect traffic) node run * environment shelf (Shows information about the Shelves Connected including Model Number) DIAGNOSTICS USER CLUSTERED ONTAP Netapp Cluster mode commands ch

CIFS shares creation in 7 - Mode

CIFS shares creation Introduction- We can access NetApp volume using CIFS/SMB just like windows share. It is very useful to use NetApp storage in mixed environment of Linux/Windows or on Windows based Products. Step 1) Creating NetApp volume or use Qtree First we need to create  “/vol/mycifs_share” netapp volume or you can use qtree as well. Step 2) Change Secuirty style to NTFS Netapp> qtree security /vol/mycifs_share ntfs Mon Nov 02 06:19:08 EDT [Netapp: wafl.quota.sec.change:notice]: security style for /vol/mycifs_share/ changed from unix to ntfs Step 3) Creating CIFS/Windows Share I assume that NetApp filer has been joined to AD (Active Directory, LDAP) and CIFS licensed is installed/configured and cifs service is  running on NetApp. Now we will create CIFS share and give permissions to User/Groups… Netapp> cifs  shares  -add MyShare /vol/mycifs_share -comment “My Test Windows CIFS Share” The share name ‘MyShare’ will not be accessible by some MS-DOS workstat

NFS Shares creating in 7 - Mode

What is NFS..? NFS is a protocol. Network file system which is used to share the directories across the Unix network. NFS port number 2049 Prerequisites: NFS license is required Create volume If required create qtree add license to netapp filer Netapp> license add <License Number> check NFS service status Netapp> nfs status Switch on NFS service Netapp> nfs on Switch off NFS service  Netapp> nfs off Adding export configuration Netapp>exportfs -z /vol/vol2 Netapp>exportfs -p rw=,root= /vol/vol1 Netapp>exportfs -p rw=,root= /vol/vol2