CIFS shares creation in 7 - Mode

CIFS shares creation

Introduction- We can access NetApp volume using CIFS/SMB just like windows share. It is very useful to use NetApp storage in mixed environment of Linux/Windows or on Windows based Products.

Step 1) Creating NetApp volume or use Qtree First we need to create  “/vol/mycifs_share” netapp volume or you can use qtree as well.

Step 2) Change Secuirty style to NTFS
Netapp> qtree security /vol/mycifs_share ntfs 
Mon Nov 02 06:19:08 EDT [Netapp: wafl.quota.sec.change:notice]: security style for /vol/mycifs_share/ changed from unix to ntfs

Step 3) Creating CIFS/Windows Share
I assume that NetApp filer has been joined to AD (Active Directory, LDAP) and CIFS licensed is installed/configured and cifs service is  running on NetApp. Now we will create CIFS share and give permissions to User/Groups…
Netapp> cifs  shares  -add MyShare /vol/mycifs_share -comment “My Test Windows CIFS Share”
The share name ‘MyShare’ will not be accessible by some MS-DOS workstations

Step 4) Give CIFS Share Access
Netapp> cifs access MyShare “MYDOMAIN\USER_OR_GROUP”   “Full Control" 1 share(s) have been successfully modified
NOTE: We can give Full permission ie “Full Control”, Read permission ie “Read”

Step 5) List CIFS
Netapp> cifs shares 
Name         Mount Point                       Description 
—-         ———–                       ———– 
MyShare       /vol/mycifs_share                My Test Windows CIFS Share

Step 6) Access CIFS/Share on Windows or Linux


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